Run a process

Create a new processing job by running a selected process.


Run advanced processing on tasking and catalog data in your storage.

Open the console and go to Data management inline-icon Data managementMap. Search for STAC items in one of the following ways:

  • Use the map to zoom in on a specific location.
  • Use the search bar to enter a location name and select a prompt from the drop-down list.
  • Use the filters in the search bar to define workspace or other search parameters. Click Search.

You can only process STAC items that come from a supported collection and that are added to storage starting in 2023.

Step 2. Check geometries

You can download and visualize the geometries of selected STAC items before creating a job.

  1. Select the STAC items.
  2. Above the STAC items, click GeoJSON Download inline-icon to download the geometries as a GeoJSON file.
  3. Use any third-party GIS tool to visualize the GeoJSON file.

Step 3. Create a job

Credits will be deducted upon successful completion of the created processing job. The transaction can’t be reversed.

  1. Select the STAC items and click Process.
  2. In the section below the STAC items overview, select a process.
  3. Review the selected STAC items. If necessary, remove some of them as follows:
    • If there are incompatible STAC items, click Remove all to exclude them.
    • If there are STAC items you no longer want to process, go back, expand the STAC items section, and remove those STAC items.
  4. From the STAC item compatibility step, click Configure STAC items.
  5. Specify the output title and other parameters for the selected process. Click Process STAC items.
  6. Check the job summary. Select I agree with the EULA conditions and click Confirm processing.

Step 4. Monitor jobs

Monitor the status and the readiness of your job.

Step 5. Download results

Download results from processing jobs with the Completed status.


I can’t find the STAC item I want to process

Only STAC items that come from a supported collection and were added to storage starting in 2023 are available for processing.

My STAC item isn’t compatible with a chosen process

See the Requirements for input imagery section of the chosen process and check that your STAC item meets these requirements.