
Stay informed about the latest updates and improvements to our API.

This changelog outlines the latest updates to UP42 API. Use it as a guide to understand the changes and how they might affect your integration.

July 15, 2024

Added↓ Deprecated↓

Supported new processing endpoints:

  • GET /v2/processing/processes
    Use it to get a list of all processing capabilities.
  • GET /v2/processing/processes/{process-id}
    Use it to get information about a specific processing capability.

Marked the rest of the v1 glossary endpoints as deprecated:

  • GET /producers
  • GET /producers/{producer_name}
  • GET /hosts
  • GET /hosts/{host_name}

July 11, 2024


Supported new glossary endpoints:

  • GET /v2/collections
    Use it to get a list of collections.
  • GET /v2/collections/{collection-name}
    Use it to get information about a specific collection.
  • GET /v2/data-products
    Use it to get a list of data products.
  • GET /v2/data-products/{data-product-name}
    Use it to get information about a specific data product.

July 10, 2024


Marked some of the v1 glossary endpoints as deprecated:

  • GET /collections
  • GET /collections/{collection_name}
  • GET /data-products
  • GET /data-products/{data_product_id}

July 3, 2024


Marked the GET /accounts/me/credits/balance endpoint as deprecated.

June 24, 2024


Supported new EULA endpoints:

  • GET /v2/eulas
    Use it to get a list of EULAs.
  • GET /v2/eulas/{eula-id}
    Use it to get information about a specific EULA.
  • GET /v2/eulas/{eula-id}/documents
    Use it to get a list of digital documents associated with a EULA.
  • GET /v2/eulas/{eula-id}/documents/{eula-document-id}
    Use it to get information about a specific digital document associated with a EULA.
  • PATCH /v2/eulas/{eula-id}/documents/{eula-document-id}
    Use it to accept a specific digital document associated with a EULA.

May 23, 2024


Updated the GET /v2/processing/jobs endpoint to replace the size query parameter with the limit query parameter.

May 3, 2024


Updated the GET /v2/processing/jobs endpoint to mark the size query parameter as deprecated.

May 1, 2024


Decommissioned some of the v1 order endpoints:

  • Orders

    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders
    • POST /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders
    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders/{order_id}
    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders/{order_id}/metadata
  • Catalog

    • POST /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders/estimate

April 11, 2024


Updated glossary objects:

  • Beijing-3N:

    • Collection name is changed to beijing-3n-tasking.
    • The data product ID is changed to 306153d7-7c44-4621-9200-379c7f6cd649.
  • Landsat 8:

    • The data product title is changed to Level 2SP.
  • Sentinel-2:

    • The data product title is changed to Level 2A.

April 3, 2024


Updated the POST /v2/spatial/geometries endpoint to return a 201 response upon successful request completion instead of a 200 response.

April 2, 2024


Removed the trailing slash at the end of the GET /v2/assets/stac endpoint.

March 25, 2024


Made changes to the following endpoints:

  • GET /v2/assets/stac/collections

    • Enabled support for page-based pagination.
    • Added a context object to the endpoint’s response.
  • GET /v2/assets/stac/collections/{collection-id}/items

    • Enabled support for page-based pagination.

March 21, 2024


Supported a new order endpoint:

  • PATCH /v2/orders/{order-id}
    Use it to change details of an existing tasking or catalog order.

February 6, 2024


Decommissioned some of the v1 analytics endpoints:

  • Projects

    • PUT /projects/{project_id}/settings
  • Workflows

    • POST /projects/{project_id}/workflows
    • DELETE /projects/{project_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}
    • POST /projects/{project_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/tasks
  • Jobs

    • POST /projects/{project_id}/estimate/job
    • POST /estimate/job
    • POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/validate
    • POST /projects/{project_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/jobs/{job_id}
    • PUT /projects/{project_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/jobs/{job_id}
    • POST /projects/{project_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/jobs
    • POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/cancel
  • Blocks

    • POST /validate-schema/block

January 25, 2024


Supported a new processing endpoint:

  • POST /v2/processing/processes/{process-id}/cost
    Use it to determine the cost before creating a processing job.

December 6, 2023


Supported new order, tasking, and geometry endpoints:

  • Orders

    • POST /v2/orders
      Use it to create a new tasking or catalog order.
    • POST /v2/orders/estimate
      Use it to get a cost estimation before creating a tasking or a catalog order.
  • Tasking

    • GET /v2/coverage/orders/{order-id}
      Use it to get coverage information for a tasking order.
  • Geometries

    • GET /v2/spatial/geometries
      Use it to get a list of geometries saved in the library.
    • POST /v2/spatial/geometries
      Use it to add a new geometry to the library.
    • GET /v2/spatial/geometries/{geometry-id}
      Use it to get information about a specific geometry saved in the library.
    • PATCH /v2/spatial/geometries/{geometry-id}
      Use it to update an existing geometry saved in the library.

December 5, 2023


Decommissioned product configuration endpoints and v1 asset endpoints:

  • Product configurations

    • GET /product-configurations
    • GET /product-configurations/{product_configuration_id}
  • Assets

    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/assets
    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/assets/{asset_id}
    • GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/assets/{asset_id}/downloadUrl

December 4, 2023


Marked the v1 order creation endpoint and catalog estimation endpoint as deprecated:

  • POST /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders/estimate
  • POST /workspaces/{workspace_id}/orders