Release notes

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Version history


June 25, 2024
  • Supported new Webhook class functions:
    • Webhook::all
    • Webhook::get
    • Webhook::get_webhook_events
    • Webhook::save
  • Supported a new Processing module allowing the following:
    • Create templates for jobs
    • Validate jobs
    • Determine the cost of jobs
    • Run jobs
    • Monitor job statuses


June 17, 2024
  • Resolved an issue with pystac.Item::get_assets that caused accessing STAC assets to fail when using deepcopy support in the UP42 authentication layer.
  • Updated versions of Python packages:
    • requests: updated to version 2.32.0.
    • tornado: updated to version 6.4.1.
    • geopandas: updated to version 0.14.4.
    • tenacity: updated to version 8.4.1.
  • Marked webhook functions and attributes as deprecated:
    • webhook.update()
    • up42.initialize_webhook()
    • up42.get_webhook_events()
    • up42.create_webhook()
    • up42.get_webhooks()


May 23, 2024
  • Integrated tenacity as a dependency.
  • Implemented resilience mechanisms for asset.stac_info and asset.stac_items.
  • Removed PySTAC client subclassing.
  • Streamlined fixtures.
  • Expanded test coverage.
  • Removed unnecessary token exposure.


May 15, 2024

Implemented thread safety for token retrieval.


May 13, 2024
  • Enhanced HTTP resilience with increased retry attempts and backoff mechanisms.
  • Resolved an issue where temporary storage would exceed capacity during catalog downloads.
  • Updated the following dependencies: jinja2, tqdm, and geojson.


April 17, 2024
  • Removed project credentials as an authentication method.
  • Discontinued support for previously deprecated visualization functions:
    • folium_base_map()
    • draw_aoi()
    • map_quicklooks()
    • map_results()
    • plot_coverage()
    • plot_results()
    • plot_quicklooks()
    • plot_coverage()


April 8, 2024

Updated versions of Python packages:

  • black: updated to version 24.3.0.
  • pillow: updated to version 10.3.0.


April 5, 2024
  • Removed the upper-bound limitation for Python versions.
  • Discontinued support for Python 3.8.


March 15, 2024
  • Fixed unintentional removal of titles and tags during asset metadata updates.
  • Removed the unnecessary auth::env property and corresponding tests.
  • Expanded the new authentication stack to accommodate account authentication scenarios.
  • Added new components within the HTTP layer to facilitate future enhancements in authentication and request handling.
  • Aligned the majority of the code with Pylint checks.


February 20, 2024

Updated the place_order() and estimate_order() functions of the CatalogBase class to the latest version of the API.


January 25, 2024
  • Discontinued support for the following edit and create functions:

    • up42

      • validate_manifest()
    • Project

      • max_concurrent_jobs
      • update_project_settings()
      • create_workflow()
    • Workflow

      • max_concurrent_jobs
      • update_name()
      • add_workflow_tasks()
      • get_compatible_blocks()
      • get_parameters_info()
      • construct_parameters()
      • construct_parameters_parallel()
      • estimate_job()
      • test_job()
      • test_jobs_parallel()
      • run_job()
      • run_jobs_parallel()
    • Job

      • track_status()
      • cancel_job()
  • Marked the following visualization functions as deprecated:

    • up42

      • viztools.folium_base_map()
    • Catalog

      • plot_coverage()
      • map_quicklooks()
      • plot_quicklooks()
    • Job

      • map_results()
      • plot_results()
    • JobCollection

      • map_results()
      • plot_results()
    • JobTask

      • map_results()
      • plot_results()
      • plot_quicklooks()


December 15, 2023

Restored the order.get_assets() function.


December 13, 2023
  • Updated the storage.get_orders() function to the latest version of the API.
  • Set Poetry as the only dependency manager.
  • Discontinued support for the order.get_assets() function.


November 23, 2023

Marked the following parameters of storage.get_assets() as deprecated to enforce the use of the PySTAC client search.

  • geometry
  • acquired_before
  • acquired_after
  • custom_filter


November 14, 2023
  • Updated authentication by changing it from project-based to account-based.
  • Added a new function to the Asset class: get_stac_asset_url() generates a signed URL that allows to download a STAC asset from storage without authentication.