Monitor processing jobs

Monitor the status of your processing jobs.

Check the status

Open the console and go to Data management inline-icon Data managementJobs to check the status of a job.

In progressThe job is in progress.
CompletedThe job has been completed, and the results can be accessed.
UnlicensedThe EULA hasn’t been accepted for this process. The job will fail. Accept the EULA and try again.
RejectedThe job has been canceled due to an insufficient account balance. Top up your balance and try again.
Not validThe job validation has failed. Fix your input parameters and try again.
FailedThe job has failed.

Find a job ID

  1. Open the console and go to Data management inline-icon Data managementJobs.
  2. Select a processing job.
  3. In the opened sidebar, click Copy inline-icon above to copy the job ID.