
Create an UP42 account.

Create an UP42 account

  1. Open the registration form.
  2. Fill in user credentials and personal details:
    • Your email address, using your organization’s email domain
    • Your password
    • Your name
    • The industry you work in
    • Optionally, your job title and phone
  3. Select I agree to the UP42 terms and conditions and click Confirm registration.
  4. Find a verification code sent to your email and submit it. Click Verify email.
  5. Select an account plan. In the Professional plan, you’ll need to provide information about your organization to connect it to your account. You’ll also receive free credits to test the UP42 platform. You’ll be able to upgrade to Professional later. Click Choose plan.
Account planInformation on your organizationFree credits
DiscoveryNot needed0
ProfessionalNeeded10,000 upon request
  1. If you chose the Professional plan, provide information on your organization:
    • If your organization was added before, find it:
      1. Fill in the exact legal name of your organization, as well as its postal code and country of registration. Click Search.
      2. Select your organization from the list of matching results and click Submit.
    • If you can’t find your organization, enter information about it manually. Fill in your organization’s name and address. Click Submit.


I can’t use my email

Common email domains are not supported. To register, use an email address that belongs to your organization’s email domain.

I haven’t received my verification code
  • Check your spam folder. If an email with the verification code isn’t in the spam folder, click Resend verification code to get a new code.

  • Make sure the email you’ve provided to register is correct. If there is a typo, click Back to login and start a new registration process by clicking Register now.

  • Contact your IT department. Sometimes emails may get rejected because of spam filters. Ask your IT department to whitelist the domain to allow emails to come through.

If it didn’t help, contact support.

Can I register as a private person?

Individuals can’t register on the platform. You can only register on behalf of an organization.

I get an error when adding my organization details

If you get a Not found error when adding your organization details, try again. If it still doesn’t work, contact support.