Tasking limitations

View technical limitations for tasking collections.


When creating a tasking order, consider the technical limitations of a given collection. Some collections also have a minimum charge that applies to orders smaller than a certain size.

If a tasking collection also provides catalog data, it will have different catalog limitations.

Limitation types

  • Coverage

    This specifies the geographic areas that can be captured by ordering a given collection.

  • Input

    This specifies the input geometry type for a collection. Collections using AOI input geometries can have maximum and minimum size limits, with width defined in the east-west direction.

    You can’t create an order if your AOI size exceeds these limits.

  • Cloud coverage

    This specifies the maximum cloud coverage that can be selected for a collection. The selected maximum cloud coverage can affect the price of a tasking order.

  • Output

    This specifies how imagery will be delivered.

Optical satellite imagery

CollectionCoverageInputCloud coverageOutput
AxelGlobeGlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–100%AOI-clipped imagery
Beijing-3AGlobal*AOI at least 2 km wide5–100%AOI-clipped imagery
Beijing-3NGlobal*AOI at least 2 km wide5–100%AOI-clipped imagery
BlackSkyGlobalPOI30–100%Scene sized from 26 km2 to 33 km2
Dragonette‑1GlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–20%AOI-clipped imagery
EROS-BGlobalAOI at least 7 km wide0–100%Scenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Mono: 7×7 km
  • Stereo: 7×21 km
  • Tri-stereo: stereo + 7×14 km
EROS-CSee mapAOI at least 12.5 km wide0–100%Scenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Mono: 12.5×12.5 km
  • Stereo: 12.5×24 km
  • Tri-stereo: stereo + 12.5×24 km
GEOSAT 1GlobalPOI0–100%80×80 km scene
GEOSAT 2GlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–100%AOI-clipped imagery
GÖKTÜRK-1Global*AOI at least 5 km wide0–15%AOI-clipped imagery
KOMPSAT‑3GlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–30%AOI-clipped imagery
KOMPSAT‑3AGlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–30%AOI-clipped imagery
PléiadesGlobalAOI from 5 km2 and at least 2 km wide5–20%AOI-clipped imagery
Pléiades NeoGlobalAOI from 5 km2 and at least 5 km wide5–20%AOI-clipped imagery
SatellogicGlobalAOI at least 5 km wide0–100%AOI-clipped imagery
SkySatGlobal*AOI up to 5,000 km20–15%, not selectableAOI-clipped imagery
SPOTGlobalAOI from 5 km2 and at least 5 km wide5–20%AOI-clipped imagery
Vision-1GlobalAOI at least 2 km wide0–45%AOI-clipped imagery

*The geographic coverage is global, but certain areas are restricted.

Optical aerial imagery

Near Space LabsUSAAOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • 10 cm resolution: 0.4×0.33 km
  • 30 cm resolution: 1.4×1 km

SAR satellite imagery

Capella SpaceGlobalAOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Spot: 5×5 km
  • Site: from 5×10 km to 5×50 km
  • Strip: from 5×20 km to 5×200 km
ICEYEGlobalAOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Spot (standard): 5×5 km
  • Spot (fine): 5×5 km
  • Spot (extended): 15×15 km
  • Strip: from 30×50 km to 30×500 km
  • Scan: from 100×100 km to 100×500 km
KOMPSAT‑5GlobalAOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Spot: 5×5 km
  • Strip: up to 840×30 km
  • Scan: up to 840×100 km
TerraSAR-XGlobalAOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined AOI:
  • Spot (standard): 10×10 km
  • Spot (high resolution): 10×5 km
  • Spot (high resolution 300 MHz): 10×5 km
  • Site: 4×3.7 km
  • Strip: from 30×50 km to 30×1650 km
  • Scan (standard): from 100×150 km to 100×1650 km
  • Scan (wide): from 270×200 km to 270×1500 km
UmbraGlobalPOIScenes of a certain size intersecting the defined POI:
  • 5×5 km
  • 10×10 km
  • 20×13 km