
Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a daily revisit rate. The collection contains data from 2012 to the present.


Pléiades imagery is acquired by two very high resolution optical satellites (Pléiades 1A and 1B) daily anywhere on the globe. Catalog datasets are available starting from 2012. See more on the marketplace or download sample data.

A Pléiades image of Rotterdam (NL)

Geographic coverage and restrictions

The geographic coverage is global.

Data products

Data productTypeSpectral bands combination
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
AnalyticCatalogBundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)

Analytic has a more stable contrast and can be used to extract physical properties, such as radiance or reflectance — for example, in vegetation health monitoring.

Pansharpened ReflectanceCatalog4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)

Pansharpened Reflectance is a pansharpened Analytic image with a multispectral Look-Up-Table containing rendering of color curves.

DisplayCatalog4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)

Display has a true color curve applied on top of atmospheric correction. As a result, it looks better visually and can be used to extract features — for example, in car detection or infrastructure monitoring.

Basic PrimaryCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Basic ProjectedCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Basic OrthoCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Reflectance PrimaryCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Reflectance ProjectedCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Display PrimaryCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Display ProjectedCatalog*
Available band combinations and bundles
  • 1-band: panchromatic
  • 3-band: pansharpened true color (RGB)
  • 3-band: pansharpened false color (RG and NIR)
  • 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
  • 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
  • Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)

*This data product isn’t integrated into the platform and can only be ordered upon request.


Feasibility study

The tasking capabilities of this collection might require a feasibility study. However, a specific combination of parameter values bypasses that requirement. If input geometry limitations are met, an order with this combination will proceed to the activation request stage after creation.

The combination of parameter values
Minimum intervalAt least 30 days
Acquisition modeMono
Cloud coverageFrom 10% to 20%
Incidence angleFrom 20% to 50%


Collection typeTasking
Product typeOptical
System typeSatellite


ResolutionPanchromatic: 50 cm
Pansharpened: 50 cm
Multispectral: 2 m
Bit depth per pixelTasking:
  • GeoTIFF: 8 or 16‑bit
  • JPEG 2000: 8 or 12‑bit
  • Analytic: 12‑bit
  • Pansharpened Reflectance: 16‑bit
  • Display: 8‑bit
Delivery formatA ZIP file containing the following files:
  • Data (catalog: GeoTIFF; tasking: GeoTIFF or JPEG 2000)
  • Metadata (XML, PDF)
  • Masks (GML, KML)
  • Thumbnails (JPEG)
NoData value0

Processing levels

Tasking levels

Catalog levels

BasicSupported inline-icon-large
Basic Primary* with RPC
Supported inline-icon-large
Basic Projected*
Supported inline-icon-large
Basic Ortho*
TOANot supported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-large
Surface reflectanceSupported inline-icon-large
Reflectance Primary* with RPC
Supported inline-icon-large
Reflectance Projected*
Supported inline-icon-large
Pansharpened Reflectance
DisplaySupported inline-icon-large
Display Primary* with RPC
Supported inline-icon-large
Display Projected*
Supported inline-icon-large

*Upon request.


Acquisition modeTasking:
  • Mono
  • Stereo
  • Tri-stereo
  • Mono
  • Stereo*)
  • Tri-stereo*)
Incidence angleFrom 5° to 50°
Off-nadir angle30°
Tasking priorityStandard
OrbitSun-synchronous, at 694 km
Constellation size2
Revisit rateDaily
Catalog refresh rateDaily
Swath width20 km

*Upon request.

Band data

Spectral bandsPanchromatic: 470–830 nm
  1. 590–710 nm (red)
  2. 500–620 nm (green)
  3. 430–550 nm (blue)
  4. 740–940 nm (near-infrared)

Geographic reference

Coordinate reference systemTasking:
  • Geographic-WGS84
  • UTM-WGS84
Catalog: UTM-WGS84
Positional accuracy6.50 m CE90 absolute at nadir


Tasking conditions

LimitationsInput: AOI from 5 km2 and at least 2 km wide
Cloud coverage: 5–20%
Output: AOI-clipped imagery
Minimum chargeAs per 100 km2

Catalog conditions

LimitationsInput: AOI, depending on the asset delivery time:
  • 10 min: from 0.1 km2
  • 24 hours: from 1 km2
  • Non-integrated: from 25 km2 at least 500 m wide
Availability: from 2012
Output: AOI-clipped imagery

API integration

Data productTypeName and IDCollection name
CustomCatalogName: phr-tasking
ID: 4f866cd3-d816-4c98-ace3-e6105623cf13
AnalyticCatalogName: phr-analytic
ID: 4f1b2f62-98df-4c74-81f4-5dce45deee99
Pansharpened ReflectanceCatalogName: phr-pansharpened-reflectance
ID: df4ca029-2f6f-432b-98d5-ef2f5d70baee
DisplayCatalogName: phr-display
ID: 647780db-5a06-4b61-b525-577a8b68bb54

Delivery structure

In a standard delivery, an IMG_ directory contains imagery and uses file naming conventions to indicate the spectral processing of the delivered data product.

Naming conventionDescription
_MS_Analytic multispectral assets
_P_Analytic panchromatic assets
_PMS_Pansharpened Reflectance assets
Display assets

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