Manage catalog orders

Monitor your catalog orders.

See order information

  1. Open the console and go to Catalog inline-icon CatalogMy orders.
  2. To find orders placed by other account users, click My account. Otherwise, stay in My workspace.
  3. To open the order sidebar, select an order.

Check the status

  1. Open the console and go to Catalog inline-icon CatalogMy orders to check the status of an order.
  2. To find orders placed by other account users, click My account. Otherwise, stay in My workspace.
CreatedThe order has been created, but not yet placed.
Being placedThe order is being placed.
PlacedThe order has been placed.
In progressThe order is in progress. Some assets may already be delivered to your storage.
CompletedThe order is complete, and all assets have been delivered to your storage.

The order has permanently failed or has been canceled. Please create the order again and if the issue persists, contact support.

Find an order ID

  1. Open the console and go to Catalog inline-icon CatalogMy orders.
  2. To find orders placed by other account users, click My account. Otherwise, stay in My workspace.
  3. Select a completed order to see the sidebar.
  4. Click Copy inline-icon above to copy the order ID.

Add or update order tags

  1. Open the console and go to Catalog inline-icon CatalogMy orders.
  2. To find orders placed by other account users, click My account. Otherwise, stay in My workspace.
  3. Click Tag edit inline-icon to add new tags or delete the current ones.
  4. Edit tags and click Save.


Is there a way to get notified when my order is ready?

Use webhooks to get notifications when assets have been delivered.

You can set it up in one of the following ways: