Asset delivery time

Find more about the delivery time of catalog assets.

Delivery time

Products have one of the following asset delivery times:

  • Up to 10 minutes

    These assets are already processed and can quickly be delivered from the hosting database.

  • Up to 24 hours

    These assets require additional processing that takes up to 24 hours to be delivered from the hosting database.

  • Up to a few days

    These assets require additional processing that takes up to a few days to be delivered from the hosting database.

Integrated products



CollectionUp to 10 minutesUp to 24 hoursUp to a few days
Capella SpaceSupported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-large


CollectionUp to 10 minutesUp to 24 hoursUp to a few days
Hexagon Elevation DSMNot supported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-largeSupported inline-icon-large
NEXTMapNot supported inline-icon-largeSupported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-large
Vexcel ElevateNot supported inline-icon-largeSupported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-large
WorldDEM Neo DSMSupported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-largeNot supported inline-icon-large

Non-integrated products

These assets aren’t fully integrated and may take a longer lead time to be delivered.

To inquire about or create orders for non-integrated products, contact the Operations team.

Delivery time checking

You can check the delivery time of a catalog data product before ordering.

In the console

  1. Open the console and go to Catalog inline-icon Catalog.
  2. Find a full scene you want to purchase.
  3. See the delivery time next to Clock inline-icon.

Through the UP42 API

  1. Call the Get geospatial collections endpoint. Select the collection you want to proceed with and retrieve its name.
  2. Call the Get a geospatial collection endpoint with the collection name as the path parameter. Retrieve the name of the host for this collection.
  3. Call the Search the catalog by host name endpoint.
  4. Check the value in the field:
    • MINUTES — the asset will be delivered in under 10 minutes.
    • HOURS — the asset will be delivered in under 24 hours.
    • DAYS — the asset will be delivered in more than 24 hours.


How can I download delivered catalog assets?

Download the delivered assets from storage.

Is there a way to get notified when my order is ready?

Use webhooks to get notifications when assets have been delivered.

You can set it up in one of the following ways: