Credit management

Manage your balance, payment data, transaction history and invoices.

Check the balance

Click the upper right corner → Credit management. Only admins can access the tab. The remaining balance is displayed on the left. 100 credits are equivalent to €1.

Your starting balance depends on your account plan:

Request free credits

Show the balance on a specific date

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Credit management.
  3. Click Calendar inline-icon Select balance date and select a date. You will be able to view your available account balance as of 00:00 UTC on the selected date.

Check credits’ expiration date

Credits expire 24 months after they have been allocated to your account. For example, credits received on January 1, 2024, can be used at the very latest on December 31, 2025.

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Credit management.
  3. Go to the Credit allocations tab.
  4. Check the Allocation date column. Credits will expire 24 months after the allocation date.

View the transaction history

You can view all top-ups and deductions associated with orders.

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Credit management.
  3. Go to the Transaction history tab.
Transaction types
CatalogTransactions associated with catalog orders.
Expired creditsTransactions associated with credit expiry.
Free creditsFree credits allocated by UP42 upon request.
HoldTemporary credit deductions for a pending order or job. After the transaction is completed, any unspent credits will be released, and your transaction history will only reflect the actual credit consumption.
Hold releaseA release of previously held credits. Any actual consumption will be deducted in a separate transaction.
ManualManual transactions performed by UP42.
ProcessingTransactions associated with processing jobs.
Purchased creditsCredit purchases.
RefundCredit refunds.
TaskingTransactions associated with tasking orders.

Export the transaction history

You can get a detailed CSV file with transaction history, including all top-ups and deductions associated with orders.

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Credit management.
  3. Click Upload inline-icon Export.
  4. Select a date range and click Download.

Download invoices

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Credit management.
  3. Go to the Credit allocations tab.
  4. Click Download inline-icon in the line of a chosen purchase.

Add or update tax information

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Account settings.
  3. Go to Billing info.
  4. Enter your tax details and click Update billing information. The type of tax information needed depends on where your organization’s address is registered:
    • EU: VAT number
    • US: TIN or business registration number
    • Australia: ABN
    • India: CIN
    • Other countries: tax ID number or tax certificate

Add or update credit card information

  1. Open the console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click your workspace name → Account settings.
  3. Go to the Credit card tab.
  4. Add card information and click Add payment method.


How can I get free credits?

To get 10,000 free credits, contact the Sales team.

I want to extend expiring credits

It is not possible to extend your credits’ expiration to a later date. You can check the expiration date of your credits in the console.