Add-in for ESRI's ArcGIS Pro

Access UP42 data directly from within ESRI's ArcGIS Pro.


ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro is a desktop GIS application that lets you analyze, visualize, and create maps from geospatial data. Order and access UP42 data directly from ArcGIS Pro with the help of the add-in.


Install the add-in

  1. Go to the add-in page and click Download add-in.
  2. To receive the download link, fill out the form and click Submit.
  3. To start the installation, go to the downloaded files and double-click the .esriAddInX file for your ArcGIS Pro version.
  4. After the installation is finished, restart ArcGIS Pro.

Connect with UP42

Before you start, connect ArcGIS with UP42.

  1. Open ArcGIS.
  2. On the top navigation menu, select the UP42 tab.
  3. Click Connect and enter your UP42 login credentials.

Order catalog data

Search for images

  1. In the add-in menu, click Catalog.
  2. In the UP42 Catalog pane on the right, click Draw AOI. Define the AOI as follows:
    • Use the Cross pointer inline-icon cross pointer to define corners for your AOI.
    • To complete the AOI, double-click the last corner.
    • If you want to cancel the AOI definition, press ESC button.
  3. Specify image acquisition dates. In the Collections drop-down list, select a collection. If you’re looking for an optical collection, you can also specify maximum cloud coverage.
  4. Click Search.

Create an order

  1. From a list of search results, select an image. Its coverage area will be shown in red. You can get additional info as follows:
    • To see the quicklook of the selected image, select the Preview checkbox.
    • To access additional metadata of each image, click Info inline-icon Info.
  2. To create an order, click Order Asset.
  3. Select a product configuration from a drop-down list.
  4. Check the order summary and click Order.

You can check the status of your order. When the order is completed, the asset will appear in storage.

Access data

To display a list of satellite images you purchased on UP42:

  1. In the add-in menu, click Storage.
  2. In the UP42 Storage pane on the right, filter the images or access additional metadata:
    • To filter the images by purchase date, click Created at.
    • To access additional metadata of each image, click Info inline-icon Info.
  3. Select one or multiple images in the list and click Download and Add to Map to add them to the ArcGIS layer view.