WorldDEM Neo DSM

A medium resolution 5 m digital surface model, acquired worldwide. The collection contains data from 2017 to 2021.


WorldDEM Neo DSM is a satellite-based digital surface model (DSM) with worldwide availability. See more on the marketplace.

An elevation model of Jinzhong (China)

Geographic coverage

The geographic coverage is global.



Collection typeCatalog
Product typeElevation
Model typeDSM
Data sourceTerraSAR-X


Spatial resolution5 m (medium)
Bit depth per pixel32-bit
Standard deliveryA ZIP file containing the following files:
  • Data (GeoTIFF)
  • Metadata (PDF)
  • Masks (CSV, GeoTIFF, KML)
  • Visuals (GeoTIFF)
NoData value-32767
Hydro-flatteningOceans: set to 0 m
Lakes: set to a single elevation value
Rivers: flattened in steps of 50 cm

Geographic reference

Coordinate reference systemWGS84 with EGM2008 height
Vertical accuracyAbsolute: 1.4 m LE90
  • 2 m for flat surfaces
  • 4 m for slopes greater than 20%
Horizontal accuracyAbsolute: 6 m CE90


InputAOI from 1 km2 and at least 1 km wide
AvailabilityAcquisition date range:* 2017–2021
OutputAOI-clipped imagery
* Full scenes from certain collections have an acquisition date range instead of a specific date. This means that the data for the collection was acquired between the start and end years of the date range. The data changes over time. When newer data is processed, full scenes from previous years are replaced with new ones. For a given AOI, you always get the latest processed data available.

UP42 data products

DescriptionData product IDCollection name
WorldDEM NEO DSMec016f4c-332c-4190-b18b-13fb12519c40worlddem-neo