High resolution 1 m digital surface and terrain models, acquired worldwide. The collection contains data from 2020 to 2022.


The NEXTMap elevation models are global 3D terrain datasets provided by Intermap. See more on the marketplace.


Geographic coverage


The coverage map for NEXTMap One DSM
The coverage map for NEXTMap 6 DSM
The coverage map for NEXTMap 10 DSM


The coverage map for NEXTMap One DTM
The coverage map for NEXTMap 6 DTM
The coverage map for NEXTMap 10 DTM


The coverage map for NEXTMap One Bundle
The coverage map for NEXTMap 6 Bundle
The coverage map for NEXTMap 10 Bundle



Collection typeCatalog
Product typeElevation
Model typeDSM
Data sourceAerial SAR and LIDAR


Spatial resolutionNEXTMap One: 1 m (high)
NEXTMap 6: 6 m (medium)
NEXTMap 10: 10 m (medium)
Bit depth per pixel32-bit
Standard deliveryA ZIP file containing the data (GeoTIFF)
NoData value-32767
Hydro-flatteningOceans: set to 0 m
Lakes: set to a single elevation value
Rivers: flattened in steps of 50 cm

Geographic reference

Coordinate reference systemNEXTMap One: WGS84 with EGM2008 height
NEXTMap 6: WGS84 with EGM2008 height
NEXTMap 10: WGS84 with EGM96 height
Vertical accuracyAbsolute:
  • NEXTMap One:
    • For Western EU, USA, and Southeast Asia — 1 m LE90
    • For other areas — 3 m LE90
  • NEXTMap 6: 3 m LE90
  • NEXTMap 10: 8 m LE90
Horizontal accuracyAbsolute:
  • NEXTMap One:
    • For Western EU, USA, and Southeast Asia — 3.5 m CE90
    • For other areas — 5 m CE90
  • NEXTMap 6 DSM: 3.5 m CE90
  • NEXTMap 6 DTM: 5 m CE90
  • NEXTMap 10: 17.5 m CE90


InputAOI up to 250 km2
AvailabilityAcquisition date range:* 2020–2022
OutputAOI-clipped imagery
* Full scenes from certain collections have an acquisition date range instead of a specific acquisition date. The acquisition date range can span weeks, months, or years. The data can be updated over time. When you place an order for a given AOI, you always get the latest data available.

UP42 data products

If using the API, set the datetime search range to include 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z, for example:

"datetime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2022-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"

DescriptionData product IDCollection name
NEXTMap One DSM228eb747-2b8b-4f56-8ade-2efd844d3792nextmapone-dsm
NEXTMap 6 DSM93f2014d-b34e-411a-9688-33e084190b68nextmap6-dsm
NEXTMap 10 DSM5a484ba9-b2b9-4385-a066-0f6d28f6ad8fnextmap10-dsm
NEXTMap One DTMda146ac4-7000-4d59-b488-3633f11b6cb8nextmapone-dtm
NEXTMap 6 DTM337c01f4-d71a-4f2f-8aee-d21431565893nextmap6-dtm
NEXTMap 10 DTM5908c45d-dd41-4fd2-b38f-759f23d25ebfnextmap10-dtm
NEXTMap One Bundle776cadc2-ccb7-4ca4-8077-fc679bf8376anextmapone-bundle
NEXTMap 6 Bundleca213436-c8cf-42a9-a4a2-04eb2fa7c9d6nextmap6-bundle
NEXTMap 10 Bundle0253307a-0377-4cd4-bd1c-93ec06ba7f4anextmap10-bundle