Step 5. Monitor orders

Monitor the status of your orders.

1. Check orders

You can get information about tasking orders as follows:

  • Retrieve information about several orders by calling the Get orders endpoint.
  • Retrieve information about a specific order by calling the Get an order endpoint with the order ID as the path parameter.

The most useful parameter for monitoring is order status. Tasking orders have the following types of status parameters:

  • status: the primary indicator of the order’s status.
  • subStatus: the secondary status indicator, clarifying whether there is an action needed from you.


  "displayName": "Pléiades Neo over North America",
  // Other parameters
  "orderDetails": {
    // Other parameters
  "status": "CREATED"


To learn about the timeframe of tasking orders, see Tasking acquisition.

Order statuses

CREATEDThe order has been created, but not yet placed.
PLACEMENT_FAILEDAn error occurred while placing the order. Please wait until it is resolved.
BEING_PLACEDThe order is being placed.
PLACEDThe order has been placed.
BEING_FULFILLEDThe order is in progress. Some assets may already be delivered to your storage.
An error occurred while delivering the order assets. Please wait until it is resolved.
DOWNLOADEDThe order assets are being delivered to your storage.
FULFILLEDThe order is complete, and all assets have been delivered to your storage.
FAILED_PERMANENTLYThe order has permanently failed or has been canceled.

Order sub-statuses

FEASIBILITY_WAITING_UPLOADWait for the feasibility study.
FEASIBILITY_WAITING_RESPONSEChoose a feasibility study option.
QUOTATION_WAITING_UPLOADWait for the quotation.
QUOTATION_WAITING_RESPONSEDecide on the quotation.
QUOTATION_ACCEPTEDThe order has been activated.

2. Get coverage information

To get information about the percentage of order completion, call the Get coverage of order assets endpoint with the order ID as the path parameter. It returns the following information:

  • The total covered geometry, its area, and its percentage relative to the ordered geometry
  • The total remainder geometry, its area, and its percentage relative to the ordered geometry


  "covered": {
    "sqKmArea": 99.2,
    "percentage": 64,
    "geometry": { ... } // An accumulated AOI of the covered area overlapping with the requested geometry
  "remainder": {
    "sqKmArea": 55.8,
    "percentage": 36,
    "geometry": { ... } // An accumulated AOI of the requested geometry not yet covered by assets