Step 2. Find and preview data

Search for available data captured over your area of interest.

1. Select a host

Data hosts are providers that offer access to data acquired by a producer. Hosts are either commercial or non-commercial.

To get a list of all available data hosts, call the Get data hosts endpoint. Select the data host you want to proceed with and retrieve its name.

2. Search the catalog

To get a list of available full scenes from the catalog, call the Search the catalog by host name endpoint with the host name as the path parameter.

Here is a sample search request with the following parameters:

  • From the Pléiades collection
  • Covering the geometry specified in the bounding box
  • Captured from January 1, 2019, to January 15, 2019
  • With cloud coverage less than or equal to 90%


  "collections": ["PHR"],
  "bbox": [6.553674, 62.191632, 6.560222, 62.195116],
  "datetime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z/2019-01-15T23:59:59Z",
  "limit": 100,
  "query": {
    "cloudCoverage": {
      "LTE": 90


Retrieve the full scene ID from the field in the response.

Full scenes can have an acquisition date or an acquisition date range in the response.

How to find acquisition dates or acquisition date ranges
  • Acquisition dates

    For collections that have acquisition dates, full scenes will have start_datetime and end_datetime set to null. The acquisitionDate field provides the acquisition date.


      "features": [
          "properties": {
            "acquisitionDate": "2021-08-28T10:39:07Z",
            "start_datetime": null,
            "end_datetime": null,
            // Other parameters
          <...> // The format of the response is different for different collections
  • Acquisition date ranges

    For collections that have acquisition date ranges, full scenes will have acquisitionDate, start_datetime, and end_datetime filled out. The start_datetime and end_datetime fields provide the start and end of the acquisition date range.


      "features": [
          "properties": {
            "acquisitionDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "start_datetime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "end_datetime": "2024-02-28T00:00:00Z",
            // Other parameters
          <...> // The format of the response is different for different collections

3. Preview data

Some data hosts provide free, low-resolution images of data that you can view before creating an order:

  • Quicklooks are previews of full scenes on a basemap. Some quicklooks may not fully match the scene they represent.
  • Thumbnails are small, light-weighted previews of full scenes. For some data hosts, thumbnails can be cropped and rotated compared to quicklooks.

Not all data hosts provide thumbnails or quicklooks.

To get a quicklook of a full scene from the catalog, call the Get a quicklook endpoint with the host name and image ID as path parameters. If a quicklook is available, the response will be an image file. Otherwise, the response will be null.

To get a thumbnail of a full scene from the catalog, call the Get a thumbnail endpoint with the host name and image ID as path parameters. If a thumbnail is available, the response will be an image file. Otherwise, the response will be null.